
Quality TLS/SSL certificates for websites and internet projects.

Company SSL certificates

Company SSL certificates

Company SSL certificates

Company SSL - OV (Organization Validation) are SSL certificates that contain information about the company based on validation by the certification authority. The applicant for the certificate, i.e. the company, is checked against public databases and verbal validation of the applicant is also carried out by calling an existing phone number from a trusted public database. Verification is performed by the certification authority and information about the company is embedded in the certificate. Any website visitor can verify at any time by viewing the certificate that the website operator is really who he says he is, and thus the customer has greater confidence in the website.

Popular certificates

Popular Certificates

The Company SSL certificates that our customers order most often

CA SSL certificate Price From Validation Issuance Speed Domains Secured  
Sectigo Sectigo InstantSSL €27.98 Company (OV) 3-5 days 1 domain Detail Buy Now
Sectigo Sectigo InstantSSL WildCard €149.98 Company (OV) 3-5 days WildCard Detail Buy Now
Certum Certum Trusted €79.90 Company (OV) 1-3 days 1 domain Detail Buy Now
Certum Certum Trusted WildCard €134.90 Company (OV) 1-3 days WildCard Detail Buy Now
Thawte Thawte SSL WebServer €74.30 Company (OV) 1-3 days 1 domain Detail Buy Now
Thawte Thawte WebServer WildCard €289.97 Company (OV) 1-3 days WildCard Detail Buy Now
GeoTrust GeoTrust True BusinessID €83.30 Company (OV) 1-3 days 1 domain Detail Buy Now
GeoTrust GeoTrust True BusinessID WildCard €269.97 Company (OV) 1-3 days WildCard Detail Buy Now
GeoTrust GeoTrust True BusinessID Multi-Domain €189.97 Company (OV) 1-3 days 5-250 Detail Buy Now
GeoTrust GeoTrust True BusinessID FLEX €81.70 Company (OV) 1-3 days 1-250 Detail Buy Now
DigiCert DigiCert OV FLEX €196.63 Company (OV) 1-3 days 1-250 Detail Buy Now

Price from - The calculated annual price of the certificate when ordering more than one year. For more information, click on the certificate detail or order.
Issuance Speed - How long the certification authority will issue the SSL certificate (approximately).
Domains Secured - How many domains you can secure with SSL certificate. WildCard = unlimited sub-domains.
Payment - We accept payments by card, PayPal and bank transfer.

Features and Benefits of Company SSL Certificate

Company SSL Certificates

An Organization Validation SSL Certificate provides encryption and requires light business authentication. Securing a business project with an OV SSL certificate offers customers and website visitors secure HTTPS communication while at the same time confirming the website operator, leading to increased customer confidence.

OV SSL Increasing Visitor's Trust

Organization validation SSL certificates establish a secure connection and prove business trustworthiness. OV SSL certificates are more trustworthy than domain validation SSL (DV SSL) certificates.

Boost Search Rankings (SEO)

Secure HTTPS communication increases site rankings in search ranking algorithms. Google published this information on the blog as early as 2014. Although this is one of many criteria, an SSL certificate will give higher positions in search results for HTTPS secure sites over HTTP non-secure sites.

SSL Protects Integrity

SSL certificate protects against content injection by ISPs and other third parties. Without encryption, it's possible for others to alter your site and undermine its integrity. SSL certificates protect against this with strong industry-standard 256-bit symmetric encryption and 2048-bit signatures.

30 Days Money Back Guarantee

Customer experience is the first and foremost priority for us. The selected SSL certificate is not suitable for your needs? Do you want another one? Or do you just want to cancel the order? We offer 30 Days Money Back Guarantee for all our customers. Check out our Refund Policy to know more.

Compatible with All Major Browsers

Our offered certificates have the highest browser compatibility for mobile and desktop browsers that will reduce SSL warnings while accessing the website.


SSLmentor recommendation

Company SSL certificates increase the trust of website visitors. They ensure secure HTTPS communication and allow visitors to verify the website operator.

More information about Company SSL

What you should know before you place an order.

Company Validated SSL certificates

Demonstrate business authenticity to your customers

Organization Validation (OV) certificates are more trustworthy than domain validation SSL certificates. In this type, the CA verifies domain ownership as well registered business documents and other legal documents related to business. It normally takes two to 5 days to issue a certificate. If the authority cannot confirm the legal, operational and physical existence of the company, the verification time is extended.

Domains Secured

Depends on the selected certificate

We offer certificates for securing a single domain, up to 250 different domains at the same time or for an unlimited number of subdomains. Certificate authorities now offer a combination of multi-domain SSL with WildCard SSL certificates. You can combine up to 250 standard or wildcard domains.

  • SSL for one domain - certificate is designed to secure a single domain. The certificate can secure both variant: and For 3rd level domains and higher, the www variant is not added automatically.
  • Multi-domain SSL - certificate can secure up to 250 different domains. Each domain can be from a different TLD (.com, .net, .eu, etc.) and any level (,
  • WildCard SSL - certificate can secure unlimited subdomains under their main domain. An asterisk is inserted in front of the domain name, which functions as a wild card in the certificate, so browsers accept any valid characters in front of the domain instead of the asterisk.

Multi-Year Certificates

We offer Company SSL certificates for up to 5 years in order to provide the lowest cost per year

As of 1 September 2020, Apple, Google and Mozilla browsers and devices do not accept new SSL/TLS certificates that have a lifetime of more than 398 days. To comply with the latest security requirements, multi-year SSL certificates are issued for 1 year (max. 398 days). You'll need to re-issue the certificate once per year. We'll send you email notifications starting 30 days before expiration. Of course, REISSUE is free of charge. Plus you can reissue your certificate at any time and as many times as you like!

Note i: Re-issue requires revalidation.
Note ii: You can insert new CSR or use last one during reissue.
Note iii: Once the certificate is issued, you can not shorten the validity period, request a refund of the unused period or change the domain name!

CA Sectigo
CA Thawte
CA GeoTrust
CA DigiCert
CA Certum