
Quality TLS/SSL certificates for websites and internet projects.

Cloud CODE

Cloud CODE

Certum Cloud CODE Signing certificate

Certum Code Signing in the Cloud is a signature certificate placed in a secure storage, signing takes place using the Simply Sign application. This is a company CODE certificate (OV - Organization Validation) with which customers can identify the comapny/author of the signed code and be sure of getting original, trustworthy software. A signed application is protected against code modification during distribution to users over the Internet. Thus, the integrity of the content is confirmed, otherwise the software would be marked as untrustworthy. The Standard Code Signing certificate is an essential tool for application publishers, programmers and developers to digitally sign code and software files. It is compatible with Java Code Signing technology and Microsoft Authenticode.
In our offer you will also find several other Code Signing certificates for signing applications and code for developers and SW companies.

CERTUM CODE certificate placed in a secure cloud, great price! After increasing the price of the standard SECTIGO CODE certificate, we offer our customers an ideal replacement from the European certification authority CERTUM.

Standard Code Signing in the Cloud

The Certum Cloud CODE Signing certificate is a universal CODE certificate that enables standard code signing at the station using the Simply Sign application. With the keys securely stored in the cloud, there is no need to have a physical token or smart card with the keys on your computer. It thus offers comfortable signing from anywhere with internet access.
File signing takes place when the SimplySign Desktop program is installed on the station (PC, Mac), which emulates the connection between a physical crypto card and a card reader with a certificate located in the cloud. Using the SimplySign mobile application, a 6-digit token is generated, which makes the certificate available for signing for about 2 hours. You can then sign unlimited files on the station, for example using the Microsoft SignTool application as you are used to. After expiration, it is necessary to enter a new token from the mobile phone (functionally, it is similar to the Google Authenticator application, for example). The SimplySign app and the SimplySign Desktop are available for free.


 €127 per year (Total: €127)
 €109 per year (Total: €218)
 €97 per year (Total: €291)

Prices without VAT.

The price includes: obtaining an SSL certificate, basic technical support for the order
Multi-year - The final multi-year price is given in parentheses.
Payment - We accept payments by card, PayPal and bank transfer.

Features and Benefits of Certum Cloud CODE Signing certificates

Application security

Code Signing Certificate maintains code integrity and prevents the misuse of the SW company name to distribute counterfeit software or modify code.

Distribution support

Signed applications help increase download numbers and sales revenue. Increased trust helps expand distribution channels for your software.

Customer confidence

Signed software protects customers from malware and other malicious threats. A digital signature protects and reassures customers that the integrity of the code they have downloaded is ensured and that the program is intact, not damaged, or altered in any way. Increased trust promotes better user perception of the application.


Once downloaded, the user is sure that the code obtained actually comes from you as the publisher, which ensures the company's reputation. Code Signing Certificates allow customers to identify the author of a digitally signed code, making sure the program is from the company that is expected.

Seamless integration

The offered Code Signing certificates can be used for Windows, MacOS and iOS operating systems without any problems. All certification authorities work with companies such as Microsoft or Apple and follow their recommendations and policies for issuing certificates according to the CA/Browser Forum.

30 Days Money Back Guarantee

Customer experience is the first and foremost priority for us. The selected SSL certificate is not suitable for your needs? Do you want another one? Or do you just want to cancel the order? We offer 30 Days Money Back Guarantee for all our customers. Check out our Refund Policy to know more.


SSLmentor recommendation

The Certum Code Signing in the Cloud certificate is ideal for developers at a very affordable price from a European certification authority. The certificate does not require the purchase of a secure token to store the keys.

More information about Certum Cloud CODE Signing

What you should know before you place an order.

Company Validated CODE certificate

The organization's legal identity and/or DBA (doing business as) must be verified

Validation of the applicant for a Code certificate is performed based on the OV validation standards (Organization Validation). The certification authority first verifies the existence of the company and the address, most often in the company register.

More information on CODE certificate verification is available at Code Signing - required documents.
Contact validation takes place using Automatic identity verification .

How long it takes to get the Certum Cloud CODE Signing certificate

The Certificate Authority performs light business authentication

The Certification Authority verifies the organization's legal identity. If the certification authority has sufficient documentation and telephone verification is done, it takes 3 to 5+ days to issue the certificate. If the authority can not confirm the legal, operational and physical existence of the company, the verification time is extended.

Renewing your certificate

You need to renew Certum Cloud CODE Signing certificate before it expires

We recommend to start renewing an expiring SSL certificate approx. 30 days before it expires. Renewing a CODE certificate is practically like applying for a new one and is therefore no faster. If you need to continue signing on an expiring certificate, definitely don't leave renewal to the last minute.

You can renew your Certum Cloud CODE Signing certificate with us without any problem even if you originally ordered it from another supplier. We always have better prices than the certification authority!

Microsoft SmartScreen

The security guard in the Windows ecosystem

With a standard Code Signing certificate, the developer must build a reputation to avoid a warning screen. Once a reputation has been built, new versions of an application can be signed with the same certificate and maintain the same reputation. However, code signing certificates need to be renewed. SmartScreen does not relate a renewed certificate to an expired one. This means that reputations need to be rebuilt every new CODE Signing certificate.
If the goal is to avoid SmartScreen, the only solution is to order an EV Code signing certificate.

For more information see What is Windows SmartScreen?

Time Stamping Server

Time Stamp Server & Stamping Protocols for Code Signing

RFC3161 compliant Time Stamp Authority (TSA) server:

CA Sectigo
CA Thawte
CA GeoTrust
CA DigiCert
CA Certum